Our bodies were built to work and withstand a lot -- but, over time, they need our help to keep them working top-notch.
In the fall of 2004 I sought the help of a chiropractor because I had been in daily knee pain for years, and at the time had also begun to battle lower back pain that only seemed to be getting worse.
I'd visited sports therapists, orthopedic surgeons and had tried a litany of suggestions from friends and coaches on ways to diminish the pain I felt sitting / standing in my knees. I was on anti-inflammatory and taking over-the-counter pain meds -- and in general, I just felt like I was falling apart. Some of the professionals I'd visited suggested that endurance sports probably weren't something I should stay involved in... that my body just could not withstand the pounding of a marathon or longer triathlon.
Finally, I happened-in to see Michael Billauer in Marina del Rey. Through 3x weekly visits (at first), in less than 6-months time, my knee pain was GONE. I mean, sure, my knees ache after a hard workout, or a race... but, I mean, GONE is the daily, painful ache in my knees. Additionally, my lower back pain subsided. On top of that, I no longer needed my allergy medicine (not kidding). I had been taking alegra once daily for the 8-months prior, but after about four months with Michael, that was a thing of the past.

After you've made a certain amount of progress and your body has adjusted closer to correct, then you no longer have to go as frequently as I had gone in the beginning. Currently, I visit Dr. Lynn Kerew in Santa Monica once or twice a week, depending on what I've been up to. This morning I was there, and afterwards, you just feel such a surge of power going through your body. It's an amazing energy >> and it's your body's energy & power, coming from within... you've just allowed, through the adjustment, the body to work better.
Honestly, no matter what your ailment might be... my friends laugh.... but I always suggest chiropractic. Treat the cause, not the symptom. If your body isn't communicating to itself properly (and your body's communication highway is your SPINE), then any of your systems might be affected. Don't run to the RX counter before visiting your chiropractor... that's my new rule of thumb. And, it doesn't happen overnight. Routine visits, just like consistency with most things, will yield the best results.
Dr. Lynn Kerew http://www.lynnkerewchiropractic.com/home2.htm
Billauer Family Chiropractic http://www.backdoc4u.com/