
Sports Car Fetish Gone Green
Ever since my Dad brought home a mint condition, electric blue 911 S when I was a kid, I’ve had a thing for sports cars. Since then, I’ve always gone for the biggest engine and swankiest body I could afford. Now… I guess I’m growing up. I’m now the proud owner of a very un-fast, un-sexy… yet sassy and globally savvy Toyota Prius.
It wasn’t a hard decision… when I saw my Saab lease was coming due, I knew I wanted to go hybrid… and, then from there, the most cost affective and user-friendly / space-wise / helped me narrow it down. (bike rack coming).
My lime-yellow convertible Saab was so much fun to drive… the color was really fun too… But, they don’t make the Prius in anything that compares – so, I called el Presidente, Paul, and begged him to let me wrap my new car for the club. He thought it was a great idea! And, here we have it…
I was used to getting comments and looks in my Saab (because it was a convertible, and of such an unusual color)… But, the comments and looks are quite different in this car. People can’t seem to figure it out. I guess I live in a Triathlon bubble. This is really showing me… I love the club, and, all my friends who are now ON MY CAR… and, it was easy for me to decide to do the wrap. I don’t think it’s nutty at all!! (But, apparently most others do!! Very funny to me.)
No sneaking around down in this new ride. Ha.


Hoorsenbuhs Paulsitive Reception
020708. On Chinese New Year, Paul Hekimian hosted a reception with Hoorsenbuhs to introduce Paulsitive and his new relationship with the line.
Below, party guests are checking out the jewelry wears:
Paul made the display table - check out his handy work!
Sylvia and Paul, before guests arrive:
Paul and Robert said a few words, welcoming everyone, toward the end of the evening:
Larry Turkheimer and I:
Birds eye view of the reception in full swing:
Robert and Paul flank a party guest:
A glowing Marrielle and Luis:
Jim Garfield and Michael Epstein:
Gladys and Jason came for some wedding ring shopping!!
Julie Talbert and I:
Coach Jamie, Jen and Anna:
Making Moves Morales and I:
I'm looking forward to watching the Paulsitive Movement grow!


1-Year YAS Anniversary
020508. The first Tuesday in Feb. marked my one year anniversary teaching SPIN at YAS in Venice, (and the 1-year anniversary of the 6:15 AM time slot).
I'm of the thinking that we've got to make our own special moments, so I made a big to-do out of the date and invited all my buddies to wake up reallllyyyyy early and join me for the sponsored spin. Function Drinks, Clif Bar, LA Tri Club and YAS all treated participants to goodies and good times.
Summer Bond, not a stranger to my 6:15 AM spins, joined for the birthday of the time-slot. She is training for the Honu Half 70.3 with me as well! (in fact, she talked ME into that race!!??).
Neva Day, uber indoor pursuit cyclist who just barely missed a spot on the Olympic team.
Here we are, getting warmed up and ready to rock!
Warm-up. Several newbies in class.
And, after class, just a few calories burned!
Mark your calendar for Feb-2009, when we'll be doing it again for a 2-year anniversary!!
Endurance Sports Awards
020208. The reason we rode our bikes to San Diego was to attend the ESAs! Held each year at Sea World, the event honors the top performers and contributors of the Endurance Sports world. We met in the hotel bar, about 25 or so clubbers, and had a cocktail before heading accross the street.
Survivors of the ride, Beth and I, all cleaned up & ready for a nite out:
Paul, Paul & Christina playing the pound the gopher game:
Everyone took a turn at the water gun game (I won a stuffed puppy!):
After gathering a few stuffed animals, Paul land I walked around searching for buddies. There were plenty of people to say hello to! Here we are with Paul Thomas (Kuota) and Mitch Thrower (Triathlete).
Here, we caught up with beautiful Jessi Stensland and Scott Fairchild.
Taking in the awards presentation at an LATC table: Anna, Josh, Konrad, Tina & Mo:
Macca was one of the guests of honor:
Renata D'Angelo and Ray Barrios represented LATC on stage as our 2007 members of the year:
Grabbing the backdrop for a quick pic, Kenny Souza and I with Scott Tinley.
LATC Ride to San Diego
020208. Drive to the Irvine train station. Park. Unpack your bike. Wish you'd brought more food... wish you'd brought more clothing because burrrr it's colder than you thought... Stuff your bags into the sag suv... okay... let's go!!

Me, 30-ish some-odd LATCers and even a few San Diego tri clubbers grabbed maps, and as you can see, studied them here, before heading North for a 90-ish offering. There were about three easy places to bail for a shorter ride, Oceanside for 50, and just beyond that a stop for 70. So... nothing to worry about!!
Here I am with some of my gals. We started off together, but by mile 4 of the ride, I had stopped FOUR times for flats (not mine, but I stopped with others), and ended up wayyyyy in the back of the pack... so, I didn't see these gals again until mile 70, when they were eating pizza, drinking beer, and making plans for the train home!
Gearing up for the ride:
PIT STOP. Just before heading into Camp Pendleton we stopped for sag support. I guess this is mile 40 or so, just past the Tressles. It was getting colder, so nobody wanted to stop for long -- but it was perfect for a quick bite to eat, re-fill the water bottles, and then we were off again.
We made it!!! I ended up calling it a day just after 50. These gals went for the gusto with the full 90+. We've got a few here who are training for Ironman this Spring. Monica, center, is heading to Brazil in March. Tip-top shape and a perfect workout for them!
Lawrence and Beth - Beth got the prize for most flats. I think 3, or 4. It was nuts. She still made it in awesome time!