020208. Drive to the Irvine train station. Park. Unpack your bike. Wish you'd brought more food... wish you'd brought more clothing because burrrr it's colder than you thought... Stuff your bags into the sag suv... okay... let's go!!
Me, 30-ish some-odd LATCers and even a few San Diego tri clubbers grabbed maps, and as you can see, studied them here, before heading North for a 90-ish offering. There were about three easy places to bail for a shorter ride, Oceanside for 50, and just beyond that a stop for 70. So... nothing to worry about!!
Here I am with some of my gals. We started off together, but by mile 4 of the ride, I had stopped FOUR times for flats (not mine, but I stopped with others), and ended up wayyyyy in the back of the pack... so, I didn't see these gals again until mile 70, when they were eating pizza, drinking beer, and making plans for the train home!
Gearing up for the ride:
PIT STOP. Just before heading into Camp Pendleton we stopped for sag support. I guess this is mile 40 or so, just past the Tressles. It was getting colder, so nobody wanted to stop for long -- but it was perfect for a quick bite to eat, re-fill the water bottles, and then we were off again.