Comfort Zones
Three weeks ago, my dear friend and old-magazine publishing partner, Gina Nemo, gave me a call. She has this amazing energy and is always interested in working on new projects and trying new things. She pitched the idea of a TV show to me, and as soon as the words were out of her mouth, I said, "Count me IN".
So, on Sunday, we found ourselves up at 4:30am, heading to Shot #1 on the Santa Monica Pier. On the team were two patient and skilled camera men (Dave & Mike) and Justin Page, a talented director and editor.
Pictured top-right: Paul Hekimian and I. Below, left: Justin coaching Sonki Hong and I while Dave frames-up the shot.
Talk about stepping outside your comfort zone! I have a real appreciation, more now than ever, for those in the entertainment business. Especially the hosts and commentators. Not an easy gig, from my brief taste. But, it was fun to try something new and get a feel for it -- it's fun to push yourself into something totally foreign. What an amazing experience!!
I interviewed five amazing people between 7am and 7pm. Thank you Paul, Kimberly, Sonki, Misty and Erika. Your stories are the gems here.
You never know what the future holds. It's the people around you who push you and who you cultivate relationships with that make life so rich. Sunday already seems like a year ago, it went by so quickly. I just want to reflect a bit more on the experience of the day and appreciate the great energy that was shared. Thank you G, for your endless lust to try new things, and for always believing in me. (photo bottom, right: Mike, Gina & Dave, at the Santa Monica Pier).