10 Miles with Friends
On Saturday I covered more than 10 miles, on foot, with Friends. What a beautiful day. It all started at 6am. Old LATCer, Melissa, was visiting from San Francisco and we planned to join my work team, the Houlihan Heelers, at the Revlon Run/Walk for Women in downtown LA. This event is one of the largest of its kind in the country. The focus is raising awareness and research money to find a cure for women's cancers. It's a very emotionally moving event that attracts over 50,000 people from our community. I've participated for many years, and it remains one of my favorite fundraiser athletic events. **Special Thank you to my firm for supporting our work team, and thanks to all those who joined the team!** And, Congratulations to the BlackNLA Team who assembled more than 120 participants for their group!
After we completed the schedule 5k PLUS many miles back and forth, here-and-there, on the USC campus... Melissa, Dani and I decided we hadn't had enough (5k = nothing, right??!!) ha. After a quick re-fuel breakfast at the beach, we headed up for a nice hike in Topanga. The sun was breaking through the clouds and just kept going. It was a perfect day for running, walking and hiking. Cool and breezy while still warm and sunny.
Truth be told, it was all exhausting as well. I don't recall the last time I ran around on foot for that many hours. (oh, wait... maybe the last time was at Wildflower last weekend). But, you couldn't ask for better catch up time between girlfriends.