That quote came up more than once over the sunny- yet- not-warm Memorial Day weekend.... When I landed on Saturday morning, Melissa drove us over to Knob Hill to pick up Christen for breakfast. I immediately got out the camera. Christen lives on California Street >> this is a picturesque street that a trolley line runs on. You can see the Golden Gate Bridge from it on a clear day. As soon as Christen jumped into the car and I asked her about the awesome view >> she immediately replied that I would not believe how many tourists come around and stop in the middle of the street (when you're walking just behind them) taking pics all the time. ha.

After an awesome breakfast and catch-up, Mel and I dropped Christen off and headed home to change for a hike. The winds were INSANE. I mean, it was chilly & windy yet clear and sunny. The hike was amazingly beautiful with views that could not be matched -- we hiked to the old bath house. Not a long hike, but we felt a little beat-up after being in that crazy wind!

It was a long, beautiful and active weekend. Saturday night we got a group together for eats at a nice Italian place in North Beach. And, on Sunday, Andy, Mel and I went over to Marin County for another hike. This time, warmer, not windy, and with amazing views of the Pacific Ocean and the Bay with the city in between!

Awesome weekend! Mel is the #1 best hostess a house-guest could hope for (not to mention an amazing friend). It was great to see and spend time with Andy, Christen & Paul too!