SURF CAMPLas Olas surf camp in
Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico (outside
Puerto Viarta)
Over Memorial Day weekend, I spent a week at
Las Olas surf camp for girls. Their tag line is, "We make girls out of Women". Eighteen
femme's from ALL OVER the country, ranging in age between 14 and 50-something braved the gentle waves of
Sayulita, Mexico. There were 18 "campers", 5-instructors and one coordinator. Here we are, a photo of the crew we had dinner with the first night: Kim, Jennifer, Michele, Judie, me & one of our instructors, Erin:

Here is Miss. Kristy Murphy, teaching Surf 101 on Day 1 in our
Casita just a block from the ocean. The
casita was our home-away-from-home, and surf equipment storage location, for the duration of our stay.

The 18-campers were split into three groups of 6 for the entire trip. Each day, each group had a group lesson for one hour. Then, they also scheduled each group for a field trip day to another surf spot... and, each camper got a one-hour one-on-one lesson as well. Every afternoon we had free surf time, with the instructors around, for 2+ hours.

Yep... this was the view from our room. Our room ROCKED. I felt like I was on lifestyles of the rich and famous. We had two rooms, each with two twin beds and a bathroom in the middle... opening up onto a sitting area and four lounge chairs (perfect for afternoon naps), and a kitchen!

This was the view of the room Jen and I shared:

Here is Kim, one of my roommates, with a local surfer. Yep... we made lots of friends. (especially at two for one happy hour!)...

Here I am with Kristy Murphy... the 2005 Worlds Women Long Board Champion. She was one of our venerable instructors, and, quite a ham!

Jennifer, coming out of the water after a 2+ hour surf session on the day of our group field trip. Check out that smile on her face!!

Kim and I at a local favorite eatery & hang out...
Choco Banana! Named, as you might guess, for their tasty chocolate banana's which we are enjoying right here:

Madeline, the youngest camper in our group with Shauna, our Canadian surf instructor (and my late-night-drinks & dancing partner, as well as my private instructor).
Thanks, Shauna!! 
Jen snapped a few shots of me at dinner with this friendly
gato -- the Tiger of El
Tigre. As you know... I sure love meow's... both domestic and foreign. Other favorite animal moments on the trip included the iguana in our
casita and the local favorite white
Labrador named Gringo who spent hours in the surf every-day fishing and catching waves.

Our lovely room rocked so hard, we had to invite the whole crew for happy hour at our place one night .... here Jennifer and I are pictured with the rest of our small group and Kristy. From Left: Elizabeth, Madeline, me, Kristy in front, Billy Jo, Katie and Jennifer.

Here are Michelle, Heather and Carol in our
Casita, getting pumped for their field trip day.

Roommate Snap! Me, Kim, Jennifer & Judie... all TAN and not really ready for home, but leaving soon... this is our last night...

Time for the frequently asked question...
"So, can you surf now? Are you a surfer girl?"...
Answer: YES & YES .... and, here is PROOF, although it may not be pretty! But, what FUN... I totally have the bug (for WARM water surfing)... ; )

More photos on my
flickr page at:
More about
Las Olas surf camps (and other camps like golf & crafts) at: