
Perk of living in LA...

One of my favorite perks of living here in LA is having the excitement of seeing your buddies on television. Actually, not only that... but, also enjoying what your buddies do for a living by seeing it on tv, at the movies or in print. Not only actors, but models, editors/writers, etc., get to share their "work" with virtually everyone/anyone. Very cool.
Below are screen shots of Damian Cecere, a feature in a Wendy's Frosty Float commercial. Not sure how long it will be online, but you can see it now at http://www.wendys.com/ads/ Just this weekend, I was watching TV and caught it live.

Screen shoot #2 of Damian's Wendy's commercial -- the premise is, he's actually virtual there at the table, not really there, and his buddy/girlfriend there is trying to offer him some of her Float, but he can't really try it... (you can see the commercial if you click thru the link above).
In addition to LA Tri Club on KTLA and Damian's Wendy's commercial, another buddy, Mr. Brian Morri, recently had a lot of success with two projects... He was in a Heinz catsup national commercial eating a juicy burger... but, I have no screen-shot of that (so sad) and Heinz does not post their commercials online (that I've found). Brian was also "Dad " in a HEROES episode this season, Five Years Gone. Very awesome! (I love that show). Brian is an actor, photographer and Ironman Triatlete!

Lastly, in my little re-cap, Rusty Joiner has had a lot of success this year with his commercial work. He was in a very hot Subaru commercial -and- most recently is featured in an even hotter ad campaign, running shirtless through a forest and lake for Excedrin. I have to include this screen shot, here:

There is so much more to list, but I was just so excited to see all these great jobs and tv time buddies are earning! It was so exciting to see LA Tri Club on the morning news... and, I even get excited to see a familiar face as an extra in a movie... or, even my local coffee shop as the backdrop in any tv or film... so, easily impressed over here -- but, point is, WAY TO GO guys!! I'm always happy to see buddies in print and on film! (Heather, can't wait to catch your movie this Sept... and, maybe even see you hosting on ESPN!).