These were the powerful words read as we gathered for this special ceremony.
Friends, we are gathered here this morning - gay and straight together - to stand before our friends, the church, the larger society, and the State of California to give thanks for this committed relationship. We do not do this lightly, but reverently and with intent. We are together this morning - proclaiming our love to one another. Our gathering here has a prophetic dimension to it as well because today we are honoring not only those relationships deemed acceptable and proper by the church I was ordained in - relationships between women and men - but also those between men and men and women and women. By doing this we make a statement that no church doctrine will stand in the way of our faith. We dare to proclaim that the Spirit is here with us, that God blesses all relationships of mutual love.
Because much of our wold and many churches frequently ostracize rather than honor the love of a woman for a women and a man for a man, this rite of recommitment serves as public affirmation. This is, at some level, a healing service. We are here seeking to bring some healing to the pain of isolation that keeps lesbian and gay relationship invisible. We are there as transgenedered, gay and straight together, to say that a world where anyone must remain invisible is unacceptable and broken. So this celebration also brings healing to everyone here.
We are here, unafraid in proclaiming our concern and care for each other. We stand in the light to proclaim our love for each other. We stand with each other today because we are one family and we care.
V and I at the reception afterwards:
Jen (who was one of the best-Chicks) and Jeff Urban:
Damon, aka DJ iPizzle played our tunes as 75 guests danced the afternoon away!