
Thanksgiving in Mississippi
Meeting the family... Jabus with his Mom and Nanny:
Nancy, her Mom and Jabus
Jay and his sister Melissa:
Jabus and Melissa
The Hamm sisters, Shani and Dayna:
Liz & Jabus at Coldplay
They dropped glowing butterflies from the roof of the building... it was pretty awesome (they were awesome!):
Coldplay - OK CITY
Calabasas Classic 2008
Over 1,500 runners came out for the annual 5k & 10k, which brought in funds for the Talbert Family Foundation.

TEAM FONG was out in force >> pictured here in front of the LA Tri Club tent.
Jabus flew out after learning what happened to Lawrence, and what great timing! He was able to help us out sooo much at the event! Thank you so much for coming out baby!! I love you lots!!
Lloyd and Julie Talbert, below, flank the 5k OVERALL female winner -- in her winning OVERALLS! Cute, right?
Lloyd & Julie flank the 5k OVERALL winner (get it)? Overalls for the Overall Winner - by the way, she's 10.
And, here are Julie's folks, Laverne and Ralph -- who work harder than ANYONE to put this event on... they are just awesome.
Ralph and Laverne Boethling, Julie's parents
Looking forward to 2009. Big love, ~liz


MSNBC Keith Olbermann on Prop 8
HERE, HERE. Simple: there is not more room in this world for hate or discrimination - so, just don't promote it.... Click thru.


My dear Friend, and Coach - Lawrence Fong, needs our Help...

WHAT HAPPENED? On Wed., November 5th, The LA Tri Club Advisory Board met for our monthly meeting. We were at Custom Hotel, to review this location for our YEP (Year End Party)... at 8:30-ish we were wrapping-up... and, Lawrence went to the men's room. Gerardo Barrios followed him a few minutes later, and found him out of sorts leaning against the wall. He had lost track of time, and apparently passed out / fallen down, very hard.

He was holding the back of his head, he was talking and answering questions, and he had blood coming from one of his ears and nose.

We immediately called 911 (8:44 pm). Then his wife, Beth (8:49 pm). Soon, the EMT's arrived. They loaded him up, and brought him to a nearby hospital, where, as he was pulling-in and being unloaded, Beth, fortunately was able to see and speak to him as they rolled him into the ER. Just after this encounter, he lost consciousness.

Then, we waited. First, Beth, Leslie and Liz followed by Rebecca, Josh G, and the Jen/Jeff Urban, Anna Wills, and a steady trickle of our extended family of friends came & stayed the night, as we were told his injuries and the swelling was pushing against his brainstem. His brain function was diminished, as were his vitals. His cheek was fractured in the fall. He went into surgery sometime around 11pm.

Around 2am the doc came by for the update. They speculated that if it weren't for Lawrence's superior fitness and youth, that he would be much worse off, and they seemed hopeful that since they were able to remove the pressure and hematoma, that we'd see in several hours some changes and improvement...

That leads us to where we are now. Waiting for Lawrence to wake up and talk to us. WHEN he does, we'll see what's next.

For now, the focus is on getting him the best possible care.

Updates about how Lawrence and his Family are doing can be found here: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/lawrencefong

ABOUT LAWRENCE: Being around athletes since the age of 6, it was only natural that Lawrence would end up an endurance athlete himself. As a kid, he always tagged along on his dad's many Sunday running races. From short 5k's to the "morning-long" Marathons, Lawrence was always there to support his dad. Lawrence continues to get his inspiration from his dad Wayne who, at the young age of 75, has completed over 80 marathons - and still runs 3 a year as well as compete in sprint and Olympic distance triathlons!!!

When Lawrence was in high school, he played on the school's basketball team. Every fall was "conditioning practice" for the upcoming basketball season. It seemed like Lawrence was the only on that ever got excited for that time of year. Always a runner, it only made sense that he continued running 5 & 10k's after high school was over.

After running the LA Marathon in 2002, he decided to add cycling to his training to give some much needed cross-training. He immediately took to cycling and tried his first multi-sport event at the Solana Beach duathlon that year. He then raced his first triathlon at Mission Bay that same year and fell in love with multi-sport racing. He has since added over 30 triathlons and an adventure race to his race resume, including Ironman Arizona and Ironman Florida last year. When he's not racing tri's, he can be found racing as a Category IV cyclist.

In the professional realm, Lawrence is a Doctor of Chiropractic and has practices in Santa Monica as well as Woodland Hills, where he specializes in Sports Injury. He has been in practice for almost 8 years and finds great fulfillment helping other athletes stay healthy and meet their goals. His passion for athletics goes further. He has been coaching triathletes and runners for the past 3 years where his enthusiasm and spirit inspires his athletes. His vast medical knowledge and experience in endurance sports has been a rewarding combination.

In 2008, Lawrence married his love, Beth, who also shares a passion for racing and multisport. Beth and Lawrence had been training all year for Ironman Arizona, which was only 18-days away when the accident happened.


Oct. 19, 2009 I got this email from my sister-in-law, Stina who lives with my brother and nephew, Finn in Tacoma Park, MD - neighbors Washington, D.C:

Subject: Merete and Obama
Last night Merete and I were watching TV (Project Runway). A commercial for Obama came on and Merete asked me. "Do you get a little excited when you see Obama?" I asked her why she was asking me, if she got excited. She replied, "Yes, my tummy starts to feel a little tickly." How cute is that.

Merete's been really interested in the election. She's very aware of the campaign. I think it's due in part to hearing Matt and I discuss it, but also her environment she's in. At school she frequently talks politics with her friends. One day she asked me, "Why doesn't Obama just start running the country? Why is Bush doing it if no one likes him and he's not doing a good job?"
"From the mouths of Children"... Nov. 4th...


LA Tri Club
2008 USAT Club National Champions

After a year of planning, we had our moment on Oct. 18th just outside Las Vegas in Boulder City, Nevada, clinching the top honor as #1 club in the country for 2008. Proudly celebrating at the end of a long day:
Alan Morelli and Holger Beckman show off their podium awards. Alan headed up our ROAD TO PUMPKINMAN committe this year, and tirelessly recruited within and outside of the club for new members to help with our efforts in Vegas. His plan SURE WORKED!! Than you Alan and Holger, who both also took top Podium honors on the long course!
Alan & Holger
Pumpkinman was the FIRST RACE for my handsome boyfriend, Jabus Hamm... He did awesome! And, is a natural (I think I've created a monster... he's NUTS about Triathlon now!)... You'll see us next year at Wildflower and Vineman 70.3!
Jabus & Liz
Here I am, flanked by two of our top recruits... Ironman Champion Chris "Macca" McCormack, and Brazilian Pro, Jose Antunes. THANK YOU both for making the trip with LA Tri Club. We are proud to have you on our roster. ~ I saw these guys when I had a mile to go on the sprint course, and they were doing the Olympic course... I was actually terrified they'd catch me they were moving so fast! It's a beautiful thing to watch a brilliant athletes "do their thing"... and, they were "taking it easy" they told me. Nice.
Chris Macca McCormack, Liz Oakes, Jose Antunes: our recruits
Bringing everyone in at the finish... Race + cheer. Now, that takes training.
Cheering in our racers at the finish
After party celebration... The night of the race, the club headed to Hard Rock's Pink Taco for a buffet and Nationals celebration, about 250 clubbers. Here are Jabus, Sylvia, Paul and I, celebration the long road to Nationals. These are moments that will stay with me forever.
We Did It!!!
LA Tri Club, baby >> Thank you ALL for making the trip.
Pink Taco after-party!
Pink Taco after-party!


For a dose of INSPIRATION... Go Here.


LA Tri Club ~ 2008 USAT Club Nationals
On Oct 18th, LA Tri Club will be gunning for the title of USA Triathlon #1 Club at Nationals - Pumpkinman, Las Vegas, baby.

I believe at last headcount, we had about 250 members making the trip... In 2006 we came up short as #2, following Columbia Multisport... so, we've tagged this years trip as "Unfinished Business". LA Tri Clubber, Brady Smith, composed our tee shirt artwork, seen here:
artwork by BradySmith.com
Check back in the coming weeks for the race-report... we'll see if we're #1 or #2 in the country! Good luck to all racers!
Spin @ TriFIT ~ Tues/Thurs Mornings, 6:30 AM
Shutterbug, Andre Andreev, joined us for a spin class in mid-Sept, and here are some of the results. If you're interested in checking out my Indoor Cycling sessions at TriFIT, you can grab a 2-class coupon at http://www.liztokona.com/ on the Training page. Here we are, rolling-rolling-rolling:
Typical class size is about a dozen spirited spinners... but, we've got room for more! There are 50 bikes in TriFIT's cycling room, it's set up with a projector screen as well, for playing films and various cycling clips.
ActionWipes.com in the house! After working up a little sweat, nothing is better to refresh and renew (pictured below, Oscar, Griselda and Beth):
For more images, visit LoveYourPortrait.com + See you in class!
These were the powerful words read as we gathered for this special ceremony.
Friends, we are gathered here this morning - gay and straight together - to stand before our friends, the church, the larger society, and the State of California to give thanks for this committed relationship. We do not do this lightly, but reverently and with intent. We are together this morning - proclaiming our love to one another. Our gathering here has a prophetic dimension to it as well because today we are honoring not only those relationships deemed acceptable and proper by the church I was ordained in - relationships between women and men - but also those between men and men and women and women. By doing this we make a statement that no church doctrine will stand in the way of our faith. We dare to proclaim that the Spirit is here with us, that God blesses all relationships of mutual love.
Because much of our wold and many churches frequently ostracize rather than honor the love of a woman for a women and a man for a man, this rite of recommitment serves as public affirmation. This is, at some level, a healing service. We are here seeking to bring some healing to the pain of isolation that keeps lesbian and gay relationship invisible. We are there as transgenedered, gay and straight together, to say that a world where anyone must remain invisible is unacceptable and broken. So this celebration also brings healing to everyone here.
We are here, unafraid in proclaiming our concern and care for each other. We stand in the light to proclaim our love for each other. We stand with each other today because we are one family and we care.
V and I at the reception afterwards:
V & Liz
Jen (who was one of the best-Chicks) and Jeff Urban:
Jen & Jeff Urban
Damon, aka DJ iPizzle played our tunes as 75 guests danced the afternoon away!
DJ iPizzle, Damon Howard
We were able to celebrate Paul's birthday, the day after the wedding. Many of us ran into each other as we lunched - it was an outstanding day!!
That evening, we gathered to wish Paul the happiest birthday!

Paul, opening his giftie from Brian and Summer:
Happy Birthday Paul!!
Summer & Brian's Wedding Day ~ 092108
It turned out to be a stunning day, crisp air, sun and clear. While the ladies brunched:
The boys played on quads - Here are Brian and Bryce... deliverying Summer's wedding day gift before the ceremony:
The night before, Summer stubbed her toe in their hotel room, and she was limping on the wedding day... then, as she got into the shower after our brunch, a huge cockroach fell on her BACK! But, after all the drama's, no couple could be more beautiful... here they are, all cool & collected:
This is my favorite snap:
Some of us performed a dance number with Summer, for Brian, at the reception:
We performed a dance at the reception
Me, Sylvia, Brian, Summer & Michelle with the Santorini Sunset behind us:

Santorini ~ Night before the Wedding
The day before the wedding, the rains came. We'd planned to have dinner in Ia with the group, but that was a bit of a haul from Fira, where we were staying... so, hauled ourselves by taxi or bus to the tip of the island, where we made our way to a beautiful little port area in the pouring rain. We were all a bit worried about the next day, but after a few bottles of wine and good company, nothing could be wrong! Our wedding party was complete, at last, with the arrival of Jen Harmon, Anna and their crew.
Bryce, Shannon and Jen Harmon
Paul and Sylvia here... It was almost impossible to get Paul to SIT DOWN and engage with the group for the entire trip... he was obsessed with his fancy camera and the Santorini surroundings... but, here is a quick capture:
Paul & Sylvia
When it was time to leave, the taxi's would not come down into the port to pick us up, because the rain had washed out bits of the road... it was soooo lame... so, we had to climb the Ia stairs back to town... we're talking 200-300 stairs. Here we are, a quarter of the way starting...
The stairs of Ia (Oia)
Drinking along the way, of course:
Laura Lee needs hydration to climb the stairs
Climbing the stairs and walking back to the bus in the drizzle turned out to be a beautiful adventure:
Group pic of the walkers
I was so excited when I found out Brian and Summer had selected Santorini as the location for their wedding... that meant, back to Greece! I was last here in 2006, and while this trip was simply focused on the couple to be wed, and all our buddies who'd be making the trip with us, it was all magic. Sharing the familiar island with 25 buddies was an awesome experience.

Our first night there, everyone who'd made it to the island so far collected at Brian and Summer's hotel for a sunset cocktail. Here are Bryan and Bryce:
Brian & Bryce

Sunny Villas hotel, owned by Michalis, who I met during my 2006 trip:
Sunny Villas hotel

The bottom, blue rooftop you see here, is where I stayed on the island this trip... Kavaliari hotel (I think that's the spelling)... anyway, Laura Lee and I shared this loft style room. It was super cute and cozy, although the stairs up and down coming & going were pretty brutal.
Kalavari Hotel, Fira

Summer and Brian treated the entire group to a wine tasting at the Volcan Vinyards. Here is a shot of a few of the gals before they began pouring:
Shannon, Krista, Sylvia, Summer, Liz & Shannon

And, Summer, breaking a plate after a few sips of yummy vino... we all got plates to break after the wine tasting, then dinner... dancing... it was a great activity night!
plate throwing