Strawberry Fields Triathlon :: Sunday, March 25th
Bright & early (well, technically, not very BRIGHT), here are Suzy and Jeff at 6am... consider this a pre-wedding photo. Their wedding date is scheduled for Dec. 15th of this year... they hope to involve their doggies in the ceremony!
Below -- Michelle, Heather, me, Brendon, Paul, Kathryn and Luis pose in front of the LATC tents before the races go off. Everyone comes out of the woodwork for this event -- one of the first big clubber outings for each season. Always something to write home about! Our own Jamie Silber and Dean Theadore are the Race Directors.
Check out this little fella! Only 8-weeks old or so, and already showing his team spirit!! (soooooo cute!!)...
Jen Kramer & Stella Tong revving up for the SWIM. These ladies are both going long... wayyyy long, as in IRONMAN this season at CdA in June. This little sprint was a warm-up for them. GO Girls!
Yep... it was an early morning (see fabulous hairdo here) -- This is me w/my little brother, Jesse. Yes, he's tall -- he clocks in at just about 6'3" or just over or something.
Here is Jordan Woods, who took Podium honors on behalf of himself and representing the Club, along with at least a dozen others. From this event, he headed to a cycling race... impressive!