Pasadena Triathlon :: Reverse SprintThe first annual Pasadena Triathlon was greeted by a beautiful, but COLD morning. Jennifer Grandy (JG) and I drove up with many excuses at-hand, trying to decide if we were ready to swim/bike & run (or, in this case, Run/Bike & Swim), in the 50-ish weather.... but, fortunately, it warmed up very quickly and became the perfect day for a tri. Below, Michelle Linder and JG stay warm with hugs before the event.

And, just to skip to the good part... We did participate! And, here we are, all smiles, post-Swim!

Summer Bond made this race her first OFFICIAL Triathlon event EVER! And, she kicked some serious butt! She smoked JG and I... and, almost took Paul too! Here she is, with Brian, just after the race.

Here I am with Alex Bell, who just told us all that he and his wife, Kim, will be moving to Sausalito in a month.
Booooo!!! We'll sure miss them around LA....

Mike Gwaltney, Team in Training Coach, brought out a big group of TnTers for this reverse tri... they were all smiles at the finish.

The Hekimians!! Yoshi, Paul, Lucas & Sylvia made it a family outing. Little Lucas will surly be swimming, biking and running ANY DAY now!