.... This morning we arrived at the JW Marriott for the business end of this trip. Its astonishingly beautiful and luxurious here — we feel like we are on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous! Statue elephant trunks spew water into the pool and there are massaging jet beds for swimmers to enjoy. The beachfront is almost deserted it is so private! Staff cater to “needs” that don't exist — bringing you ice water spritzers, ice towels, slices of watermelon (with the rinds cut off)..... Outstanding!!
This online journal exists to share information about projects, people, experiences and opportunities which are meaningful to me.
Thailand :: Kayacking in Krabi
Friday morning we woke up again at 6:30a for our 8a transfer to go kayacking through mangrove forests. We again got amazingly lucky and met some really fun people to spend the day with. Craig and Jena from England, Guillaume (who we nicknamed Frenchie) from Paris, Aiden from Ireland and Sean from Canada. We had some great laughs on the long truck ride out into the jungle. Craig and Jena were just here from India, and they regaled us with tales from that portion of their trip. Frenchie explained to us that he'd been told our guide was a ladyboy (a boy missing his parts) and we got into all kinds of conversation over that. Aiden had graduated from UT, and over lunch showed us his shotgun shell scars from where his little friend had shot him by accident when they were 12 — and we all marveled that Sean was only 19 ys old and on such an amazing -year long- trip to see the world.
When we arrived at the kayacking base camp we got ready to get wet and then went on down to find our boats. I was charmed to notice all these little mud gobies (not sure what they were) who were hauling themselves out of the water onto land with their gills. Fishes walking on land! So nifty!
Our group of about 20 kayaks headed to the mud flats first. There we hopped out of the boats and enjoyed walking around the low tide area — star fish were plentiful, as were tiny little crabs about the size of your picky nail. We also saw thousands of red crabs the size of your thumbnail who looked like moving carpets over the dull mud colored flats. Aarron got pinched by a few crabs and was happy.
We climbed back into the kayaks and headed to a beach littered with monkeys of all sizes from baby to large-and-in-charge. They ran up onto the boats and begged for pieces of fresh pineapple from us. They didn't grab at our offering, but politely took them from our hands. They were not as polite to each other though. It was wonderful.
From there we headed into the channel between the tall limestone rock. Natures true magisty is apparent here (I felt the same way when snorkeling). Amazing. Monkeys took watch in the trees above as we negotiated the area at low tide. Inside this area we had our little fruit snack (everywhere you go there is fresh pineapple and watermelon), and then gave some to the monkeys.
Aaron and I were the first kayak on the first half of the trip, but the last to leave the area for the return because we were too busy with the monkeys. We decided to maximize the upperbody workout and see how many we could pass on the way back to camp. It was a good laugh, and we passed about 60% of the other kayakers as we headed back to camp.

We lounged around at lunch for a long time, getting to know our new buddies. In the end, Frenchie joined us for dinner at our hotel that night, and ended up taking Aaron out for boys-night-out in Krabi Town. They trekked here and there for a few hours and had a great time.

.... This morning we arrived at the JW Marriott for the business end of this trip. Its astonishingly beautiful and luxurious here — we feel like we are on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous! Statue elephant trunks spew water into the pool and there are massaging jet beds for swimmers to enjoy. The beachfront is almost deserted it is so private! Staff cater to “needs” that don't exist — bringing you ice water spritzers, ice towels, slices of watermelon (with the rinds cut off)..... Outstanding!!
.... This morning we arrived at the JW Marriott for the business end of this trip. Its astonishingly beautiful and luxurious here — we feel like we are on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous! Statue elephant trunks spew water into the pool and there are massaging jet beds for swimmers to enjoy. The beachfront is almost deserted it is so private! Staff cater to “needs” that don't exist — bringing you ice water spritzers, ice towels, slices of watermelon (with the rinds cut off)..... Outstanding!!