This year, we've had some A-MAZING speakers at the LA Tri Club Meetings. Paula Newby-Fraser started out the year, and was simply amazing and inspiring... then, came the ITU Elites and Hunter Kemper and Barb Lindquist. I didn't think we could top that duo. But, last night, we had Mr. Roll. All these speakers were different, and awesome... Bobke being a quick favorite and the perfect guy to finish out our year. I have NO IDEA how we'll compete in '07 with the caliber of speakers we assembled this year.
Bob regaled us with stories and antidotes of days-past with 7-11, days-present with The Tour and the top pros in the field, getting lost on mountain bike rides, what he thinks of the drug scandals and testing, as well as the reasons behind his pronunciation of "Tour DAY France". Sometimes off-color, always entertaining, an amazing athlete himself and wild & crazy guy! I'm a huge fan. The photo above is of the audience looking bored so Jamie Silber could get some footage for our Year End Video. And, below, is our TriAthletix coaching crew!
THANK YOU to BOB for making the trip. Special Thank you also, to COMPETITOR MAGAZINE/BOB BABBITT as well as HELEN'S CYCLES for making Bob's trip possible. Without our generous sponsors, the LA Tri Club would not be able to put together programs like the one last night. Also, Thank you to the 300+ athletes who came to hear Bob speak -- seeing the crowd having such fun makes the whole organizing process worthwhile!
Miss. Stella Tong dominated the meeting raffle!
Below, I'm with Vivian and Martha - two of my frequent bike workout companions. Martha's illustrator did the artwork for the Club's trip to USAT Nationals in Vegas this year. Thanks Marth and Royce!!