Summer & Brian's Engagement Party :: Casa del Mar, Santa Monica
092207. The Lindners and Hekimian's hosted us in the lobby of beautiful Casa del Mar to celebrate the pending nuptuals of Summer and Brian. Pictured here: Michelle and Sylvia saying a few words to toast to with Summer and Brian standing by:

Most of the crew who attending pictured here >> a motley bunch for sure:

Beautiful Girls

Summer and Brian flank Pete and Meirav:

Cozy on the
couch: Summer, me, Michelle,
Marrielle & Alexandra:

Friends from near and far -- Summer's closest gal-pals ... Rhea, Shannon and her husband Bryce:

Looking relaxed, even though their Dec. wedding is looming... Suzy and Jeff:

Happy BIRTHDAY Paul! Here are Paul and
Syl, on a night out without baby Lucas!
Stef and Michelle surrounding Konrad who's giving us his best blue-steel:

Warren, Michelle, Brian & Summer:

Yeah -- let them show off their flexibility...
Marrielle, me & Suzy:

And, the classic Charlies Angles pose here. I look confused and angry, but I'm trying to look sexy... Very funny!
Soooooooo, details yet to come.... but, it's looking like I may be heading back to GREECE for the wedding! I sure hope that's where Brian & Sum decide... would be so much fun to travel there with this passe!!