
LA Tri Club :: KATE MAJOR Meeting

LATC was thrilled to host Kate Major on April 25th. She brought with her, old roomie, Jessi Stensland (an athlete in her own right)! Jessie ended up introducing Major Kate when the time came, and the ladies regaled us with stories of re-location, training and racing. Pictured below are Paul Hekimian, Holger Beckmann, Kate & Jessi.

No LATC event would ever actually happen without the help of our amazing clubbers, donating their time to help orchestrate the events. Here you see Heather and Summer, manning our SWAG table... we had goodies from PowerBar, Biotene and our new LATC/Biotene water bottles as well as bag tags. Active members: come & get em!
At the check in table, Stella Tong had things organized. THANK YOU STELLA! Pictured here are Miss Stella with Jamie Silber of Triathletix fame. (yes, in case you were wondering by now... everyone in LA does have a website!)...

Here I am with Miss Jessi.
Everyone hung out till the very end. Kate was talking during her speech about competing from a hand-cycle (someone had challenged her) -- good times!