Revlon Run/Walk for Women ~ May 2007This is another event I really look forward to each year. It’s the only time of the year I try to round up my "9-5" co-workers to participate in something physical, like a 5k. I started attending this event several years ago... I’m not sure exactly when, but I think this is something like the 5th or 6th one I’ve attended. My co-workers and I formed the HOULIHAN HEELERS (get it?)... and, each year we have over 35+ runners and walkers participating with their family and friends. Below: the stadium after we finished the walk, from our meeting place in the stands.
Whether you are a survivor celebrating life, a daughter supporting her mother, a husband honoring his wife, or sisters and friends joining together, you’ll be glad you joined this important fight against women’s cancers. It’s very touching to see who else is on this course with you. I used to run this event, but now I walk it with my fellow Heelers, making it a more community, special event for the cause -- a time to connect with our community in this special way. Below, me with Cherice Calhoun, a breast cancer SURVIVOR, and the creator/owner of
Maybe next year you’ll consider being part of Los Angeles' biggest fundraiser for women's cancers – distributing nearly $45 million over the past 13 years. Join us, with over 50,000 men, women and children at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.... the weekend in an amazing display of support for the women in our lives. Below, is part of our Houlihan Heelers team:
And, another snap of us at the start line. **I've found it impossible to get us ALL together at any one point for this race... like herding cats! ; ) We've got babies, mom's, boyfriends, girlfriends, best buddies... all out together for a wonderful morning with 50,000 of our neighbors!
Okay... the icing on the cake for me this year had to be the finish line... Miss. Karen Ma kindly pointed me in the direction of handsome Officer Carpenter here, who gave me my finishers metal. He was super handsome and I was a smitten kitten, who of course did not say a word! But, my buddy Dani's mom snapped this photo of me. Very funny.
Another highlight is always walking through the USC Rose Gardens as we leave the venue. Karen and I stopped and had this snap taken this year. The roses smell just so amazing. I love that garden!
Phase IV Ladies NightLA Tri Club sponsor, Phase IV, hosted a Ladies Night for about 100 or so guests earlier this week. A great response from the community and a wonderful evening of visiting, learning about women's specific products/concerns and meeting strong lady athletes! Enjoy a few snaps, below, from our night out at Phase IV!
Stella & Anna.... fresh from their performances at Wildflower, were glowing!
Wildflower 2007An event weekend unlike any other each season... over 7,500 athletes descend on Lake San Antonio outside of Paso Robles for the weekend of festivities. The campgrounds are PACKED... in many places, back-to-back tent-towns pop up... car camping, RV's... you name it. LA Tri Club always brings a large group to this competitive event -- over 250 this year. We set up home-base in the Redonda Vista E Loop. Our tents, our club store, all mark home. Below, goodies from our sponsor PowerBar, as well as visors from Kate Major, and Marielle Monte's "Girls Gone Wildflower" offerings from our store.
Here are some of my 2007 Camp crew, enjoying a little dinner Friday night. We had a large group of first timers at the event this year.
Marielle and Scooter hanging out in the E-Loop. What Beautiful Weather we had ALL weekend long! (okay, yeah, I heard, the lake was choppy & there was wind on the bike course... but, otherwise...)...
LONG COURSE PRO MEN SWIM START -- check these guys out! Amazing!!
Kenny Sousa and I in transition... he sure helped me out on Saturday!
Saturday Nite Cinco de Mayo dinner with LA Tri Club... over 125 clubbers enjoyed a dinner prepared by our dinner committee. (THANK YOU LADIES and GENTS!)... We also watched Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby after the sun went down. Each year our Sat. night party gets better and better.
Gary rolled into town on Saturday afternoon, since he was going large Sunday in the Olympic distance. Here he is, congratulating Nikki after her strong outing on the Long Course.
The Mintons! Kennedy came in top-10 in her age group with a #9 position! Chris also had an amazing race. Way to go guys! (now, where is that beer??!!)...
Peter Brantly coming in to finish the long course... looking strong!
Ryan and Aaron, Sunday morning --- about to head down to the Olympic race. Side note... Aaron actually WON a KONA slot for '07! I mean, I never hear of anyone ever winning that lottery (that I know)... Awesome Aaron!!
Yep.... that's Luis.... saying Hello in his own special way, to the cheering Clubbers, as he ran by as part of the Tri4Beer relay.
Saying Hi to our own Bachelor (but, no longer, I guess...), Mr. Andy Baldwin.
So, another Wildflower gone-by. I'm already looking forward to next year... maybe I'll actually train myself, and enter the long course in '08... we'll see how the off-season feels. ** Great to see so many buddies out there. WF for me, does feel like a home-away-from-home now.... so many wonderful sponsor relationships and new and old friends always in the campgrounds. Nothing bonds you like camping and racing together!
Liz / Matt / Jess & FINN visit Grandma in ConnecticutI just got back from a quick 3-day visit to CT, primarily to get some quality time in with my gram, who's not getting any younger (she's 90). Icing on the cake was having my brothers join me for the visit, as well as my #1 Nephew Mr. Finn! How happy am I to have this snap, below, of the two of us... I just love him so! Unfortunately, his Mom, Stina, and my #1 Niece, Merete, had to stay back in D.C. for a wedding they were in... but, I got my brothers, my Nephew & my CT relatives to hug and visit with!
Here we are, flanking my Gram. It's Gram, me, Matt, Jess & Mr. Finn who doesn't' always cooperate with the camera.
My Mom, here, having a nice conversation with Finn.
LA Tri Club :: KATE MAJOR MeetingLATC was thrilled to host Kate Major on April 25th. She brought with her, old roomie, Jessi Stensland (an athlete in her own right)! Jessie ended up introducing Major Kate when the time came, and the ladies regaled us with stories of re-location, training and racing. Pictured below are Paul Hekimian, Holger Beckmann, Kate & Jessi.
No LATC event would ever actually happen without the help of our amazing clubbers, donating their time to help orchestrate the events. Here you see Heather and Summer, manning our SWAG table... we had goodies from PowerBar, Biotene and our new LATC/Biotene water bottles as well as bag tags. Active members: come & get em!
At the check in table, Stella Tong had things organized. THANK YOU STELLA! Pictured here are Miss Stella with Jamie Silber of Triathletix fame. (yes, in case you were wondering by now... everyone in LA does have a website!)...
Here I am with Miss Jessi.
Everyone hung out till the very end. Kate was talking during her speech about competing from a hand-cycle (someone had challenged her) -- good times!