For the 3rd, I served as Expo Director for the Talbert Family Foundation's Calabasas Classic 5, 10&15k. What an amazing event for a heartwrenching worthly cause... On Saturday over 1,300 runners came together to participate (start photo, above). Together, we raised over $50,000 for children with catastrophic illnesses, including cancers. What a great feeling!!
Above are Liz Kollar & Heather Richards, who were part of our Expo - representing Function Drinks. Below, I'm hanging with my Boom Board crew!
Little Yoshi Hekimian waits patiently for Paul to pay attention to him and take him on the 5k run. He dressed up for the day...
And, wherever there is an athletic event in this city, you'll find LATC well represented... Thanks for coming out guys!!