
Iowa Thanksgiving

Okay, so, this Thanksgiving I didn't see any family. But, seeing these photos from the amazing trip Matt & Stina had with Merete and Finn in Iowa almost makes up for that... above are the "D.C. Oakes"... my YOUNGER brother, Matt with his lovely wife Stina and their munchkins & my wonderful most treasured niece and nephew, Merete & Finn. Below, here, Merete trys her hand at taking care of the fields on a tractor. I love this photo in particular because at her age I recall sitting on my Dad's tractor in Texas (yes, small town girls....)....
According to reports, Merete was able to ride a horse, in a tractor, collect chicken eggs and milk a cow over the holiday while Finn was simply passed between one loving family member to the other. Matt shot skeet and the family took lots of walk and had lots of talks. Below is Merete with her second-cousin on the Kasik side, Morgan. Love the helmet!!
And, you've gotta always have the photo in the cowgirl hat!!
The funniest thing Matt told me was, Merete thought that the baby chicks were inside the eggs just sitting there, ready to hatch... so, when they went to crack the eggs for breakfast the morning after collecting them, she was SHAKING with excitement anticipating the baby chick to pop out and peep at her! I wish I'd been there to see that... so funny!!
The photo above is Stina's Mom, Dot, with her grandkids... Little Finn looks like he wants to terrorize his sister in this photo. I wonder what's going on in his little head...
The photo of the fam, above, cracks me up because little FINN looks so uncomfortable in his carrier. So sorry I missed the farm hi-jinx!! Gobble, gobble.

Andy Baldwin ... ABCs Bachelor!
Taking the lead from Mr. Mitch Thrower >> I'm sending out Congratulations to Andy Baldwin who will be taking on the enormous task of getting to know 25 lovely ladies and looking for a Love Connection with one of them on ABCs The Bachelor in the next season installment.
Andy is a top-notch guy, hard worker, honest and loyal friend, easy going and fun to be around. I highly recommend him to any ladies interested in applying to the show.
I've included some snaps from Andy's adventures here... he's done a good job of keeping in touch when he travels and capturing his trips. There is more on Andy and his volunteer work as a doctor on Mitch Throwers online journal and at Project Active. (above, Andy & his class during pool week at diving training. Below, Andy at '04's Tour de France).
I can't wait to check Andy out on The Show!! Good Luck Andy!!


Mission Certification = Complete.

It's hard to believe... but, as of Sunday night, I'm now officially a certified Yoga and Spinning instructor, per Kimberly Fowler's program at YAS : Yoga And Spinning. Pictured above: Aexis, Vicki, Tom, Stacy, Chaya and Claire. Below: V, Jill, Stacy and Sherri.

What an amazing experience I've gone through with my 20+ classmates. I had many miss perceptions about what teaching would be like going into the course... and Kimberly and Sherri with all their experience, knowledge and stories, guided us to a new understanding and appreciation for the skillet. (pictured below: Tri Clubber LORI and I)
Personally, after trying my hand at both the spin and yoga instruction, I found the spin instruction came easier. Probably because I'm a bit of a loud-mouth, so the brute force energy that it takes to muscle through spin is more natural than the quite sophistication of guiding someone through yoga poses. At least, that's how I see it more now. Even though I'd completed the course, I'm humbled by how much more there is to learn, both by watching as well as by doing.
Above, Sarah, Jill, Claire and Anna show off their official certification slips signed by Kimberly. My classmates came from all-walks. And, even flew in from out of state for the course. An amazing group of people who I look forward to supporting and staying in touch with. Below, Kimberly celebrating with Sarah.
Yes.... there was an after-party.... and, we got a little nutty. It felt really great after the 2+ weeks of intensive classes and lectures.
Below, ski instructor Cathleen with Robin, Anna and I.
Below, the boys... Tom, Tony, Robin & Ben.
Cheers, Team! xoxo


LA Tri Club YEP
(Year End Party & banquet)
It was a night of celebration of an amazing season... LA Tri Clubbers out in force at the Luxe hotel in LA. Above, the crew of almost 60 who were recognized for their contributions to LATC through the year. THANK YOU to all Appreciation Award Winners.
Pictured above are the girls... Summer, me, Dani, Michelle, Sylvia and Pauletta. It's fun to get dressed-up and leave the Lycra at home!!

Luis and Marrielle -- hopefully soon to be wed in 2007!

This is beautiful Karen Aydelott who is a 7-time Ironwoman... and just an amazing person... She was hit by a car earlier this season while on a training ride... she was told she wouldn't run again... She's already back in the pool and on a bike. She's walking a little and we hope, in '07, anything is possible & she'll get more use of her injured foot. She's actually registered for an ironman! What in inspiration you are, Karen.
Dara, Tav, Stella, Paul & Jen -- Dressed to Impress! And, below, it's Detra, Ian, Gerardo, me & Mike.

I'll leave you with this shot Ian took of the dance floor.... Until Next Year! Congratulations on the Season. The YEP was an outstanding celebration too!!


The Calabasas Classic

For the 3rd, I served as Expo Director for the Talbert Family Foundation's Calabasas Classic 5, 10&15k. What an amazing event for a heartwrenching worthly cause... On Saturday over 1,300 runners came together to participate (start photo, above). Together, we raised over $50,000 for children with catastrophic illnesses, including cancers. What a great feeling!!
Above are Liz Kollar & Heather Richards, who were part of our Expo - representing Function Drinks. Below, I'm hanging with my Boom Board crew!

Little Yoshi Hekimian waits patiently for Paul to pay attention to him and take him on the 5k run. He dressed up for the day...

And, wherever there is an athletic event in this city, you'll find LATC well represented... Thanks for coming out guys!!

Ian Gonzales & Gerardo Barrios below, hold up Ian's Trio with Jordan Woods AMAZING 70.3 championships time of 4:20... sorry we weren't there Jordan to bring you in at the finish in FL. Way to go to you & the other Clubbers who raced!!

Below... our Amazing emcee, Sean English with the venerable Julie Talbert herself. I'm proud to be a part of this Team.

Fox News features Josh Crosby & IndoRow + Congratulations to Team Revo!

Josh was interviewed on Fox News for IndoRow... here is a snap from the clip, or you can click to watch it.

Congratulations Josh on all this recent success -- both with
IndoRow as well as on Team Revo!
Team Revo (pictured below are: Josh, Dave Marks, Patrick Watson, Tim Derrick, Windy Marks & Melissa Coombes), who finished the season #1 and #2 at the USARA National Championships.
I'm so excited and proud for your success Josh & Team Revo!!



My little brother, Jesse, went to visit my other little brother, Matt, in D.C. last weekend. It's funny to think of them in these terms now, since both are actually adults now (I know, it's hard to believe)... Jess, working at Amgen and checking in at just over 6'3" in height... and Matt, married to sweet Stina and now parent to not ONE, but TWO actual tiny humans...

Pictured, below, is Jess with little Finn. LOOK AT FINNs EXPRESSION!!??
My sweet MERETE and FINN!
How I love them, and wish they lived nearby... below, Merete is giving Uncle Jesse a doting pose. According to Matt: "I can verify that Jess took three naps, attended two 6:00 am tea parties, attended 15 minutes of one 4 year old birthday party, went to the zoo, and walked around DC, and attended one 4 year old soccer game. We also ate chinese food, thai food, ethopian food (quite unusual), and pizza."
As a result of all that activity... both Finn and Jess were often found here, on the couch, taking a quick rest -- these two made quite a pair!

YAS: Yoga And Spinning
Teachers Training

For the last several days, and until Nov. 19th, I'm waist deep in learning some new skills from Kimberly Fowler and her talented crew at YAS. I'm taking the YAS Teachers Training.
This week has been a bit nuts, with the schedule of teacher training classes, lectures and homework -- along with having to juggle that and still WORK as well as help with preparations for the Calabasas Classic and LA Tri Club YEP (Year End Party) all on Saturday!

Soooo, back to YAS... What is it exactly I'm doing? Well, not a career change... but, rather, learning something new for myself, gaining a new skillset & knowledge base... and trying to focus on improving my flexibility and strength... Here is the certification class write-up:

"The origins of YAS philosophy created by founder Kimberly Fowler stems from her own background and experience. Fowler, a yoga practitioner since 1983 and ex-professional triathlete combined her passions, yoga and spinning® into the YAS concept. Fowler, a Nike sponsored athlete and yoga spokesperson, has taken her concept nationwide.

Since 2001, YAS has been developing a training program that is the only one of its kind in the U.S. that includes both yoga & indoor cycling. YAS offers a comprehensive teachers training program that builds strong, safe and fun teaching techniques. The YAS teachers training program provides practical tools for teaching that integrate the essential principles that make up YAS: balance, strength, endurance, power and flexibility.

YAS teachers training certificate is given to participants who successfully complete training, homework assignments, pass the YAS certification exam and participate in its apprenticeship program. YAS apprenticeship program is a 50 hour program, which is designed to improve your teaching skills. You are required to assist Kimberly Fowler in both her YOGA for ATHLETES® and spinning® classes once a week. YAS teachers training is an accredited certification for the YAS class (1/2 indoor cycling and 1/2 yoga)."

All that being said, we'll see how things shake out! Until the end, I'm enjoying the process. Thank you to all my buddies who've headed to YAS for me, as part of the referral derby I'm participating in!

More about YAS....