Today: Wed., Aug. 23rd, the C•DIFFERENT team headed to Pavilions on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica for the check presentation ceremony by The Vons Foundation. Pictured above are Paul Hekimian, Executive Director of CDF; Liz Oakes, President of CDF; Santa Monica Councilmember Richard Bloom; CDF Founder, Matt Miller; Manuel Lozano; Daymond Rice & Jeff Driscoll from Vons.
Sylvia Carrillo with "mini-Paul", baby Lucas, Summer Bond, Brennan & Michelle Lindner along with baby Emerson came out to the presentation as well. THANKS GUYS!!
Pictured above is the C•DIFFERENT Team: Paul, me, Manuel and Mattie Miller who came in from Florida for this presentation as well as to meet about Foundation business.
Had to include this Fav shot. Sorry it's so fuzzy! Baby Em here with Daddy Brennan. Such a sweet pair... http://www.vonsfoundation.org/http://www.cdifferent.orgTHANKS AGAIN VONS! You have made dreams of many visually impaired athletes come true with this donation.