4th of July Weekend
What a wonderful and relaxing weekend! I had the chance to spend a couple of days in Ojai with Gina & Justin and their munchkins Julian and Annabella. We hung out with their neighbors, ate BBQ, pet horses, sat around their pool and took hikes. It's super relaxing there, a real change-of-pace from LA. It was pretty darn hot though, but bearable in the shade or in when hanging out poolside! (photo above is from Gina's backyard)
On the 4th I started the day by volunteering at the Pacific Palisades Youth Triathlon. What a riot! The kids were so super cute... seemed like we had over 100, but I'm not sure how many. They were aged 16 and under. They first rode their bikes 3-miles, then ran 1-mile to the pool, then swam just over 100 yards or so I think in the pool. They were soooooo cute. See pics. Pink Huffy bikes, helmets with streamers on them... kids biking with their goggles around their necks, and running out of transition with their helmets on. All classic moves. I can't wait to help out again in '07. After all, this is where it ALL STARTS! (photo above is Paul Hekimian, Bill Lockton, Liz Kollar & me, below is the start line of the tri... notice the kids w/their helmets sideways!).
Following the Youth Tri, I headed to Manhattan Beach to enjoy some sun and watch my buddies play volleyball. My brother Jess drove down from Northridge to enjoy the afternoon with our old friends from Conroe. Charles Cates who lives in Manhattan Beach is a childhood friend. He's now married to beautiful Analyn. Charles (aka Chuck)'s brother Will was also in town for the holiday from Chicago. It was great to see the boys together. It's wild, their must have been something in the water on our street growing up, because all of the Cates boys and my brother, Jesse, are all over 6'3". (photos below are Jess, my brother & Will Cates and below that are Charles & Will on the V-Ball court).
Following the beach, I enjoyed the local fireworks shows with several buddies from the rooftop of my building. It was perfect weather this year, all around. Great times with old and new friends, and the chance to watch some young kids take on Triathon! Happy 4th!!