The first swim wave went off at 6:45 am on Sunday morning >> which seemed REALLY early, until you drove over to San Dimas/Bonelli Park for packet-pick up on Saturday and felt the weight of the HOT weather all around you. It was more than 20-degrees hotter than over on the westside -- so we understood the early start time. Sunday morning, when Michelle Sayre and I woke up to head to the race start, we stuck our hands out the window of the hotel expecting it to be somewhat chilly... but NO >> it was easily warm enough for shorts and T's instead of warm up slacks and fleece >> and it was only 4:30 am!!
Monica Morant kept telling me that the water was warm enough to swim without a wetsuit... but, I kept thinking, "She doesn't know how cold I get". I just wasn't buying it. So, after setting up transition, we walked over with a handful of clubbers and stuck our toes into the lake. Sure enough = bathwater. Easily, mid-70's. So, we headed back to transition to find our club mates and tell them to loose the wetsuits. How often do we get the chance to open-water swim without them? Everyone I talked to afterwards was excited to have headed into the water without them. It was a great first for many of us!
The day was clear, warm, but comfortable as we headed down to the lakefront with our caps and goggles in hand. It was such a fun and mellow scene. Lots of fellas around carrying babies, holding kids hands, holding leashes with the family best-friend at the other end, and just generally supporting their wives/girlfriends/daughters. All kinds of ladies lined the lakefront >> super fit uber athletes, grandmas, young ladies trying their first triathlon.... you name it >> body sizes, swim suit styles, you saw it all! And, EVERYONE was smiles, smiles, smiles and saying encouraging words to friends and strangers.
1) (surprisingly) the rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner. I don't know who was singing, but it was THE BEST I've EVER heard at ANY athletic event (and, I've been to a few). I was standing next to clubber Tara Bucoy during the performance, and we both admitted that it brought tears to our eyes. On-key, clear, crisp and strong was this ladies voice. I'm sorry I can't tell you her name.
2) swimming without a wetsuit and feeling super comfortable in the lake water
3) a fun two loop bike course with easy rollers
4) a run course that takes you around the lake and through the park, not flat, but not too hilly
5) cheering on all the first-timers on the course!
6) On the run course I had passed a 45 year old CAF athlete named Tracey who had one amputated leg. She was at mile 1 on the race and I was at mile 2. She was stopped and had removed her prosthetic leg, and I asked her if she needed anything. She responded with an upbeat tone that she needed a new leg (ha). I told her I wished I could help her, and then continued running. Then, after I crossed the finish line, I kept thinking about her >> so I gathered all the clubbers around and we decided to head back to run her in as a group. It was an awesome experience for Tracey and for each of us. I didn't feel a single step the whole way. I just kept thinking, if SHE can do this with one leg.... And, you'll be seeing Tracey at upcoming races, next on her docket is Alcatraz!

7) clubber (and head chef at The Lobster in Santa Monica) Allyson Thurber who came in 3rd in her age-group!!
8) enjoying a well-earned lunch afterwards with a half dozen LATCers!
9) and, last, BUT NOT LEAST... LADIES.... the parking lot was FULL when I finished.... no ghost town of fast-boys and fast-finishers taking off before I made my way to the finish line.

To be totally honest, going into the race-weekend, I was a little worried it would be a "cheesy", rah-rah women's sort of event (I had never done a women's-only athletic event before) >> but that was not the case AT ALL. It was an empowering, inspiring, really fulfilling event. It was the sort of event that rejuvenates my passion for the sport and for the community that participates in it. I honestly think, if Tri's are your thing, and you're in-town on the weekend of this race, there is no reason you shouldn't head 45-60 minutes away for this event. If you're a dude >> head there to cheer on the ladies! Many of our male clubbers were there doing just that!! And, if you're a lady, just sign-on-up!
Photos from Danskin
I'm looking forward to my next Danskin >> it may just become an annual favorite of mine. Congratulations to all Finishers >> and THANK YOU to all the clubbers out there, supporting the race on Sunday!!