Last Saturday night I joined a group of a dozen or so at a Cemetery in Hollywood for a movie. They project the movie on the mausoleum wall. It was my first time doing this … and it was soooo much fun! (Photos: in the photo at the top, Damian, Tom and Jon pose for me. Below, on the left, Tom is flanked by his "management". On the right, Heather poses with Tommy.)

First, you get a few from your group to go wait in line before they open the venue (this time, it was Tom, Jon and I taking that lead). While waiting, everyone sits on picnic blankets and eats cheese/crackers and drinks wine… maybe plays ball or a board game… and waits for their buddies to arrive. Then, once they open the gates, everyone files in and jockey’s for best position on the grassy lawn.

We watched The Philadelphia Story… great, classic, funny movie. We watched it with 2,000 Angelenos. It was so much fun! I can’t wait to do it again.
Then >> the next morning… my buddy Paul roused me at approximately 5 AM. Why?... because he and Sylvia were at the hospital, waiting for baby Lucas to arrive. Syl had gone into labor and now they were in wait-mode. Also, because of this, he was not able to make it to the Redondo Beach triathlon, where we had planned on meeting to hang-out and support the clubbers who were participating.
Pictured here is me hugging Martha Spelman who completed the 2006 AIDS ride on Saturday. The AIDS ride is a 7-day bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles which raises awareness and funding for AIDS research. I’m so impressed by you and proud of you Martha!

The Redondo Beach tri went off without a hitch >> In large part thanks to the hard working tri-clubbers pictured here. Way to go guys! Thanks, Sid, for running such a smooth event. I’m going to have to beg you to help me with all future events!

And, for those of you wondering…. Little baby Lucas did come into the world healthy and safe, approximately the same time as I was on a flight to Vegas for a work conference on Sunday afternoon. I’m not home yet, but when I get home, I can’t wait to meet him!