LA Tri Club Spring Training Camp
April 8-11, 2010
An amazing time with about 50 campers up at Lake Nacimiento this year. It was nice to mix things up with the new venue. LATC's Spring Camp is about more than Wildlfower training... so many reasons to make this camp, including the beautiful area surrounding both Lake San Antonio and Lake Nacimiento... the people... the awesome coaches, Ian Murray and Jamie Silber... our amazing Chef Stella Tong!... the Camp Masseuse Robert Torres... and all the wonderful members of the club that welcome each other, teach each other, inspire each other and so much more.
The Long Run day... a group takes off to hit the HILLS...
13.1 for this crew... they were hammering away, easy-breezy.
Group dinners Lakeside... beautiful!! A little cold... but, if you layer up, all is well. What a great time to reflect on all the victories of the day, and to look ahead for what's to come tomorrow:
Long Ride Day.... a little dreary, but dramatic and lovely non-the-less. Some went for a century, others for the 56, and others for the 26. Something for all levels to get the heart-rate up.
Brave Swimmers on the last day of Camp. The winds had really picked up and it was quite cold! Job well done to all. Thank you for being a part of the 2010 LA Tri Club Spring Training Camp!