032208. In April they'll become The FONG's, so we had to go out and do a little pre-celebration. Never gals who leave the boys behind, it was a group effort to send these two from single-hood. Pictured here is most of our group... 25 of us took on the strip.
Thanks to Mr. Urban, 7 of us had a killer limo truck thing waiting for us when we landed in Vegas:
We took these huge limo's everywhere. They all had one or two stripper poles, which the fella's took on to entertain us during the ride -- Beth's brother is putting on a show here:
Saturday Nite... on our way to the Bellagio Buffet (yum).
Quick LA Tri Club Board pic... Riptide Ray, Lawrence, me & Gerardo:
Studio 54. We danced, danced, danced ... There were guy and girl go-go dancers surrounding the dance floor and ladies over the dance floor who put on air shows. It was a pretty rad club, as far as mega-clubs go. Everyone went big. Pictured below are me, Jeff, Jamie, Anna and Lawrence.
Bachelorette Beth with Anna, mugging for the camera.
Group pic at Studio 54. Yep, the cameras came out & we've got some very funny shots.
This was an awesome get-away weekend. Everyone got very little sleep, danced until their feet hurt, ate great food, wonderful group chemistry, rested by the pool, and bonded with the FONG circle of friends and family. Times not to be forgotten. Dear friends. Looking forward to the wedding, and many more celebrations!!!