Kouy & Ken's New Years Eve Wedding123107-010108. Kouy Kolar and Ken Novice tied the knot on New Years Eve at Casa del Mar hotel in Santa Monica. It was a platinum, 5-star afair all around... black-tie, lobster & steak 4-course meal, guitar hero set-up in the lobby, awesome entertainment, and, of course, touching vows in a remarkable setting in-the-round, where they were surrounded by friends and family.
Here is our cab-crew, who met at Brian and Summer's new pad, before we headed over to the festivities - pictured, Brian, Summer, Jeff, me & Jamie:

When we arrived at Casa del Mar, our crew grew with holiday greetings and sips of cocktails as we waited to be let into the ceremony area. The smell of the sea, a cool and crisp evening... news that Gladys and Jason (far left)
got engaged over the holiday!! Dorcas and Marc in the middle:

Kouy & Ken, heading off the stage to the lobby area >>
Kouy looked
absolutely amazing. The whole wedding was really off-the-hook!

Prom Photo! Pose here please! Jamie & I, with Suzy & Jeff:

We were lucky to be seated right by the band and at the end of the dance-floor. Perfect positioning for the motley crew. Check out the white arrangement that towered over each table:

Cake anyone?

Jamie and the bride, beautiful
Kouy (she changed from her wedding dress into this smashing number for the 2
nd part of the evening):

Stroke of Midnight = HAPPY NEW YEAR! Balloons fell from the ceiling and showered us all. It was a tremendous countdown:
Kouy was finally in the mix on the dance-floor, with Ken in tow. Here they are mixing it up with us at the start of a very new year:

Apparently, I wore my New Years hat backwards the whole night. Ha. Here I am with Brian and Summer, snapping away the first photos of the new year.

Jamie and I crashed at
Bri and Sum's that night, and the next day headed to an early breakfast. It was great - no traffic!! But, as soon as we pulled away from their condo, they realized they forgot the house keys... a new house/and neither of them had the keys to the locked door... No problem, we called a locksmith. Very funny. He had to DRILL the lock, and $200 later, they had a brand new condo with the 2
nd brand new lock. Way to start the new year off, right?

Things got even sillier when, as I was talking to Summer by this railing, I got my knee stuck between the slats. I was trying to remove it without being noticed, but finally had to ask for help.
Ridiculous, but funny.

So, with that --- HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.
Let's make some magic in 2008!!