Austin :: Boerne :: Canines, Oh My!Last weekend I had the chance to hop on a plane for Austin to visit old friends Elizabeth and Nikki; as well as spend some time in Boerne with my Dad and his wife Chris.
It was exciting to be back in my home-state. I love Texas so much, and Austin in particular. I'm especially proud of my Baylor buddy Elizabeth Page Gibson Serrato who opened her own fine jewelry + accessories store in the Austin downtown warehouse district a few years ago -- it's doing so great!! -- Eliza Page. (above: me w/Elizabeth in front of her store & below, the inside, center display).
If you're ever in Austin's downtown 2nd Street area, please stop in! The Austin marathon was also on this weekend, but I didn't get a chance to check it out. It ran in front of E's store, so she and her crew were able to watch the runners fly on by. Sorry I missed that spectacle!
My friend of over 27 years, Nikki, and her husband Frank put me up at their place my first night. I love their house... it's built on this hill overlooking a lush valley-like section of the neighborhood. They've got a killer pool and porch overlooking the whole of the backyard landscaped pool area. They've got two very spoiled Beagles who dote on their loving parents. -- Nikki and I left Frank at home with the Beagles while we went out for sushi and Marble Slab ice cream and catching-up. Nothing like a visit with a friend who's known you you're whole life.
The next morning, Nik drove me out to my Dad's, which is an hour and a half outside Austin (and 45-min outside San Antonio). It's very peaceful at my Dad's -- except for his rowdy pack of dogs!
Dad and Chris have a Great Pyrenees named Fred (above) and two Labradoodles named Biscotti and Cowboy (above). These dogs are equally doted on and each have an array of skills to show off to visitors -- so, all weekend, we threw toys for Biscotti, who is the master-fetcher and watched Cowboy try to dominate all of our attention, while Fred kept us all in-line.
Above, Dad and I in front of he and Chris's favorite tex-mex resturant in Boerne. Below, Biscotti is resting on the couch with Dad after a busy day chasing her ball. Chris and Dad can't sit next to each other on their couch at home because the two Labradoodles require too much attention, so the dogs sit between them. Very funny. I already can't wait for my next visit!! I love you guys!!