My enthusiasm for triathlon was totally rejuvenated during my workouts with Dani Paxson, my training partner, last Friday & Saturday mornings. Friday, It was so clear, and we were both feeling really strong. I think I could have run for another hour I was feeling so good. Then, on Sat. morning, I took photos at the LA Tri Club Manhattan Beach swim. It was really a beautiful morning, and so many clubbers were out .... the waves were so inviting (but, don't think I got in... too cold for me!!), but, it did make me look forward to the season and future club swims with buddies. Photo from swim:

Sunday morning >> The Strawberry Fields triathlon in Oxnard. Clear, crisp... I was there to cheer on club members and offer race-day support. The morning took a wild turn when the swim had to be canceled due to impressive wave breaks and a strong current pulling swimmers south, past the buoy, before they could round-it. Then, tragically, during the bike leg of the race, a fellow tri-clubber in full race-pace-mode, collided with a car. While, today I can report that he's doing better >> he does have a broken arm and suffered fractures to his face. Many club members were upset having seen the accident or having heard of it. One thing is for sure, it has been inspirational to see how club members have stepped-up to the plate to help this injured member out. It makes me so proud to be a member of the LA Tri Club. Photo from race-day: