Wildflower 2008050108. Well, now you see, right up front, why we all keep going back to Wildflower >> Yes, it's the streakers. Every-year, they do their thing, right through camp. It's, well... it's streaking... and, it's always a laugh! More than 8,000 people in and around the park, and you get 30+ guys (and girls) to drop trow, and it's a good thing:

Paul Thomas people... jack-of-all-trades extraordiaire, with me, post-race... this is a photo rarely seen these days, but, YES, I do don the uni now & then and work up a little sweat!

Speaking of old friends and racing... Here I am with Scott "Tanner" Fairchild, an old Baylor chum... who's wearing an LATC kit for his race!! Scott is Macca's manager, so it's fun that we've both connected to the sport like we have.

Liz Kollar and I at camp, after the big LA Tri Club Sat. nite dinner tradition, which LizK started. Everyone is always getting us confused because we're both "Liz", and we both email the club about this & that frequently. LizK would say, I'm the old Liz, adn you're the young Liz.... But, I say, she's the FAST Liz (she sneezes and qualifies for Kona), and I'm the slow Liz. Either way, plenty of Liz for everyone.
Seeing so many friends in one place -- something else so easy to love about this event weekend. Two people who inspire me (almost as much as LizzyK) >> Bob Babbitt and Chris

And, the
Girlz!! Jenny, Kristen and Christine -- This trio, part of our regular
LATC TriCHICKS crew, are all hi-energy go-
getters. Both Jenny and Kristen are having their first real season in the sport, and they are impressive to watch.
Pre-Long Course,
hanging out on the swim launch ramp with the very pregnant
Marrielle and baby-daddy Luis... and newlyweds Lawrence and Beth, Anna Wills, and I.
Macca and Sam McClone on the podium after taking 1st in the Long Course.
More fast Chicks! Jessi (far
lft) took first in her age group in the
Oly, and Mary (far rt) took first overall in the

Tri Club campgrounds - Sat.
nite meal time: