CLIMB ON :: Joshua Tree092807. It was an escape LA weekend for a handful of us as we headed east for a Joshua Tree camping/climbing trip. Temps were nothing less than perfect at
low's in the mid 50's and highs in the low 80's. Below is our campfire on night 1:

Just cool enough to be perfect for a roaring fire and good nights sleep... Mike & Cristina cuddle here, after our
looonnnnng drive (long due to traffic, of course).
Casa Mike & Cristina.... Saturday morning... time to rock-n-roll / rise-n-shine!

Evan and Chris here, looking for just the right spot they selected in the climbing book.

Once we found home-base, I found this natural recliner and took a load off. You spend a lot of time sitting on the ground when you're climbing with a group (unless you're Chris or Evan of course, who have all the hard work to prep the climb)...

Here is Chris, setting our
protection for the day's climbs. Yep, he knows what he's doing.

We found this awesome Joshua Tree near one of our trails to/from our cars -- we thought it looked like it was trying to hover and frighten whoever passed.
Ahhhhh, crack-climbing... Evan is showing us how it's done here -- gotta go ALL IN baby, and love that rock! We all lost some skin working on this puppy.

Evan at the top, looking out for Cristina as she makes her way to victory over this 5.7. Turns out, Cris is quite the natural climber!

preping for my first climb of the day, Mike is fixing me up. My heart rate is a little high right here.... always... before going up...

Re-chalking my sweaty hands... almost up...

Clara, Chris, Evan & I at Crossroads on night 2 after a full day of climbing. Nothing like a
delicious beer and burger to celebrate a day in the sun on the rock. Thanks so much Chris & Evan for your expertise, equipment and patience!!