Man, always an amazing fun time! We had a few hundred LATCers heading north for this weekend triathlon festival. Saturday was long course day... below is the relay SUMMER TIME made up of Paul (bike), me (swim) and Summer (run). We named ourselves Summer Time because Summer was the only one who trained for this offering, since she's prepping for the New York City Marathon!
Rejean took this snap of the roommates before we headed to transition on race morning (about 6am). Dani, me, Andrew & Sid. If we don't look very awake, it's certainly because we aren't yet!
Our LATC cheering DEVILS. Taking Konrad's lead from last year, our cheerleaders dressed as devils and flocked the course to cheer us all on. They were certainly angels to us!
Transition snap. GAME FACES everyone!!
Sherri holding Ryan's bike. I like to call this snap, "ode to a triathlete girlfriend". ; )
Sid, outta the water and tearing up her T1 transition!
Brennan, rockin the old-school LATC tri kit. He says he'll wear it until it literally falls off. I hope I'm around that day, when it does.... any day soon! **I think Bren has been doing this race, among our friends, for the longest streak... like 7-years? Maybe 8?